Facts and Information

Fascinating Facts About Burmese Pythons

1. Burmese pythons are one of the largest snake species in the world, reaching lengths of over 20 feet.
2. They have unique coloration with a combination of dark brown or tan background and chestnut-brown blotches outlined in black.
3. Burmese pythons are ambush predators, capable of subduing large prey such as birds, mammals, and other reptiles.
4. Invasive populations of Burmese pythons in the Florida Everglades have negatively impacted the local ecosystem and native wildlife populations.
5. In captivity, Burmese pythons can live for several decades, making them a long-term commitment for pet owners.

Giant Day Gecko Help and Advice

Giant Day Gecko Help and Advice

1. Giant day geckos are a species of arboreal gecko native to northern and eastern Madagascar, but they are also invasive in other parts of the world.
2. They prefer tropical forest habitats and spend most of their lives in the trees.
3. These geckos grow to be around 9-11 inches long, with males being larger than females.
4. They are identified by their bright green color and red stripe from the nostril to the eye, with some individuals having additional markings.
5. With proper care, giant day geckos can live for 15-20 years, making them popular pets in the gecko hobby.

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